How to get your workout in when you're busy


Are you busy?

Hey gorgeous!

Spring is knocking at the door, finally! That are the good news! Ok, here in the North it’s still quite cold, but I‘m pretty sure that during March temperature will rise.

So let‘s get in shape! But how if you‘re too busy to make it go to the fitness studio?

Schedule your WORKOUT time

Are you really that busy or are you not in the mood to do sports? Be honest with yourself. If you want to workout, make a schedule when you will work out. Having time to do something it’s all about making priorities. Everybody has 24 hours each day to do whatever you want or need to do. So if sport is important to you, plan the days when you will hit the gym, like every Monday, Wednesday and Sunday for example.

Show up for yourself

Show up to get the result you’re aiming for no matter what happens. Once you’ve decided on certain days for training - go! Don’t discuss with yourself if you should or shouldn’t. That’s a waste of time and believe me at the end of a workout you’ll be even prouder of you.

Join a friend

Look for a friend or colleague who could join you. After a long working day, it’s easier not to go alone. It’s a lot more fun and you can have a chat too. And imagine saying „no“ to a friend, telling her or him that you won’t go to the gym. You probably won’t. Trust me on that. A friend or colleague will help you to hold yourself accountable.


Don’t go home

Do you prefer to go to the gym in the evening after you finished working? Then don’t go home to grab you sportswear.

Even though I love sports, after a long and intense working day, I‘ve also skipped my workout when I had to go home to get my sportswear, especially when it’s very late. So go directly from the office.

Are you an early bird?

Maybe it’s easy for you to get up early, you’re awake right away. Sports in the morning is also an option. It could be your way to get your workout in.

Many fitness places open their doors early. If you hit the gym for a 30 min. workout, that’s great and a good way to start the day.

Home workout


It’s easy for you to stick to your plans once you’ve decided on them? Then why not workout at home. In the morning or in the evening. Get some dumbbells and kettlebells, do pilates or yoga and check out YouTube for Workouts or get a fitness app

How I do it

Since one and a half years, I workout for 30 to 40 min a day in the morning. At first it was difficult to get up early as I’m not an early bird at all, but after a while I got so used to it that I wouldn’t want to miss it!

This might help you to know: It takes average 66 days to develop a habit. Sometimes only 22 days. That helps me to implement habits. Once I decided to do something, I just do without questioning and after a while it has always become a habit. Like my morning routine.

Still I’m hitting the gym as well mostly on the weekends, but whenever my working day is long I can skip the gym as I‘ve already worked out in the morning.
