Dress Up And Move

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Flowerdress - Adding color to your winteroutfit

Hey everybody! You think winter is dark? Maybe if we are talking about the weather (again :) ).  We cannot do any about rain or snow, but we can choose the right outfit to bring some colour to our lives.

Flower Dresses Brighten up your Life!

Part 1!

In the North of Germany, actually, in my place, which is Hamburg, the weather during summer has been so nice. Lot's of the sun, hardly any rain. That was awesome! But now it is grey almost every day! So at least my outfit needs some colour and some flowers!Anyway, it does not make sense to complain about things you cannot change! OK, I could become a globetrotter and travel to places where it is sunny.This does not make any sense for me as my business (at day time when I am not blogging) is here in Hamburg. So I stay here and work on my wardrobe. 

Flower on Black

Anyway, as I already mentioned, I need some colour on what I am wearing. And as I am longing for warmer days I chose my spring & fall flowers dress today!OK, I am not the person who is wearing so many colours at one time. Anyhow it depends where I am staying. In Paris, for example, I choose a different style and outfit as I would in California or in Italy. In California, they probably need scarfs and sweater only as a "decoration", I assume

Warm Winter Boots against Cold Feet

Still, it is quite freezy here. To keep my feet warm, I chose winter boots. It' s also a cool look. I like the contrast.  My boots originally had black laces, which I just changed into red laces. I love cute dresses with boots. It is a good match and a good contrast.I like to change the laces. Just have a look here.  Just look at the pictures! (at the beginning of my blog, I only wrote in German, but I hope it is self-explanatory)

Pink Scarf as a Highlight

A real highlight is my bright pink scarf. It's cosy and colourfull at the same time. This scarf I had for quite a long time. It is so easy to combine. Have a look here .

Part 2 will come ....

Yes, you can do a lot more with this dress! Next Friday I am going to show how! So, stay tuned and have fun dressing up!

Love Cordula